Yes, there is more to lingerie errors than visible panty lines! There are some lingerie boo boo’s that women unwittingly make without even realizing it. Avoiding these mistakes will save you money and frustration when it comes to shopping for lingerie. Here’s our top 5 list of lingerie faux pas; make sure you don’t find yourself accidentally making any of these and may all your lingerie shopping experiences be happy ones!

1. It looked great on that supermodel, so it will look great on me! The models in that infamous lingerie runway show likely hover around 6 ft. tall and are built like human clothes hangers. The movie stars you see in the print ads wearing sexy lingerie have also likely been retouched to look like unrealistic perfection. Real women with real bodies are going to need to experiment with various lingerie styles in order to discover what is most figure flattering to their body. Don’t be discouraged; being realistic is going to help you find selections that make you look and feel simply fabulous!

2. It looks sexy thus it will make me feel sexy! Not so fast sister! Sexiness is, to a large degree, about comfort. We’re not talking about physical comfort although that does come into play as well. Psychological comfort is a huge factor when it comes to feeling sexy. If you aren’t comfortable wearing something, you won’t feel sexy in it; it’s as simple as that. We’re all for experimenting a little and living a little outside of the box–but one step at a time, ladies. Straying way out of your comfort zone in a big way may be way to much, way too soon.
3. “Pretty” matters more than comfort. Back to that “comfort” concept and this time we are talking about physical comfort. You have to consider a few things when buying lingerie. It’s there–right next to your skin–so comfort is key, especially for items you intend to wear for a while. Lingerie is notorious for being loaded with elastic, wires, laces, trims, hooks, etc. Keep in mind how these items interact with your body and be mindful if they rub or irritate; try to avoid those that do. Consider the breathability of fabrics you intend to wear under clothes. It absolutely is possible to find sexy, beautiful lingerie that is also very comfortable to wear.
4. Buying lingerie that is too small. Yes, we know that it hurts to go up a size, but lingerie that digs into you or doesn’t fit properly is never going to look right on you or flatter your body anyway. Forget about what the tag says and buy the size that fits your body best. Properly fitting lingerie pieces that you feel comfortable in will make you feel your absolute sexy best!
5. Buying lingerie too expensive or too cheap. Expensive lingerie may seem like the ultimate luxury, but real silk panties trimmed with real pearls or bras embellished with real gemstones aren’t very practical for the average woman. Super inexpensive lingerie tends to fall apart easily and doesn’t always live up to the heavy wear and tear that it can be exposed to. Do yourself a favor and buy good quality lingerie that will ultimately look good and last for a long time, without breaking the bank.